
The IKIGAI is just like your fingerprints; our fingerprints are always unique, so is our IKIGAI. Similarly, for all individuals also, the IKIGAI is unique and irreplaceable. One person's IKIGAI is capable of calling out that person. The same goes for everyone's IKIGAI. Every person's IKIGAI projects different purposes and meanings of life to that person. The only person who should understand your IKIGAI is you!

(Dr) Khanna is a certified & registered Independent Director for Indian boards, a certified Human Resource Director, a Career and Life Coach certified by ICF, an NLP practitioner,  a Thought Leader. He is awarded Honorary Doctorate for distinguished career spanning over 30 years in offering customized business solutions to multi-cultural and diverse industries, in providing strategic advisory to Boards /Top management, on Business Excellence, Supply Chain, Human Resource, Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability.

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IKIGAI Package
